Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Yellow Journalism from Asbury Park Press

NJ Police Chiefs Demand Apology From Newspaper For Anti-Cop KKK Cartoon

It's so much more than just fake news. This cartoon escalates a fear of law enforcement, those very people who swear to protect us.. This cartoon is offensive to all but especially to law enforcement and every community in this country where those of color reside.

The Asbury Park Press in New Jersey (a blue state that is one of the nation’s most diverse states and home to people from many cultures, races and ethnic groups.) gave a false assumption to the world about  law enforcement and the treatment of blacks in particular. It is a biased invective and yellow journalism.

Read about it...


  1. Our nation and all the nations of the world are under attack by the spirit of division,Leviathan.Our country is being divided like never before. Time to recognize this evil for what it is. Step back and pray to God for the spirit of Discernment when you feel hate begin to well up in you.If we begin to see this evil we can begin to release it's hold on us.

  2. I think most people today in the USA have lost respect for the police in general. They just are not present or visible, especially in the crime infested poor neighborhoods like in Lake Worth. The other thing is that they need to give ALL police authority to address any person here and anyone who may be illegal. If anyone cannot show a valid ID when they are stopped by a police officer, the police should have a right to take them in and if they find they are in this country illegally, they need to turn them over to ICE, ALL police, not just ICE need to clean up this problem of illegals all over this country. Americans have lost a lot of respect for police at every level for not upholding the law and/or over looking illegals and allowing all these sanctuary cities. ALL POICE NEED TO BE MORE VISIBLE AND PRESENT AND ALL NEED TO ADDRESS THE PROBLEM OF THE ILLEGALS HERE AND CORRECT THIS ISSUE. PRESIDENT TRUMP IS THE ONLY LEADER WILLING TO ADDRESS THIS AS NONE IN THE PAST HAVE DONE ANYTHING.

  3. Its interesting that the tags on this post include: "Blacks', 'fake News, and 'KKK'. What kind of readers are you trying to attract?

  4. 1:23pm tag: this attracts me

  5. Triggered by a cartoon.

    The police are the GOVERRNMENT. It is completely inappropriate for the Government to demand an apology from a newspaper for an editorial cartoon making a point about Government misuse of power.

  6. Police are empowered by the government. That's all.
