Monday, July 16, 2018

"Watch Your Back" - The Failure of Progressive Government

An anonymous San Franciscan bought a full page newspaper ad claiming residents need to ‘watch your backs’ because the city can’t do anything about the homelessness crisis

Democrat Dianne Feinstein was the first mayor of San Francisco that had to address the homeless issue. Her administration operated under the belief that the growing homeless problem was a temporary issue that was an effect of a recent recession. The response to the problem was to open temporary shelters that would provide a sandwich and a bed for a night with the hope that those served could find permanent housing soon. This program proved to be underfunded and unprepared for the demand of residents and the homeless population continued to grow. [Wikipedia]

If you look at every major city across our country, they are run by Democrats and they all have major problems. "Of the top ten most dangerous cities in America, eight are currently run by Democratic mayors and city councils and two are controlled by Independents. Of the past ten mayors of each of the three most violent cities in America — Birmingham, Detroit, and St. Louis — eight have been Democrats. All told, the three most violent cities in this country have been under nearly uninterrupted Democratic control for more than half a century. []


  1. S.F. used to be the most beautiful city in the country. Now it's a hell hole. Thanks Democrats.

  2. Many cities are hell holes with men pissing all over the cities. Lake Worth still has the problem with all these illegals pissing all over in the alleyways, etc. I heard now in NYC and DC they are decriminalizing public urination now in these cities and others. What is becoming of this world. I recall one time in Lima Peru thinking how that city reeks of urine all over the city and you see guys pissing all over, is that what we want here now in the USA all our cities to stink of pee?
