Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Vision Meeting Commissioner Comments

I wandered into the Vision Meeting yesterday. The first two pews in the chamber were removed and a conference table was moved into the room in order to accommodate all present. It was fairly interesting at least for the two hours I attended.

Following are a few comments from commissioners:

Andy Amoroso:
  • How do we keep the small town feel and get smart growth to pay the bills?
  • Allow staff to do their jobs--codes that are on the books.

Omari Hardy:
  • We need growth to pay the bills
  • To change the demographics, have a housing project
  • If we have a really small sword, we should sling it even more violently
  • Employees haven't had raises in years
  • We need a literacy coordinator
Scott Maxwell:
  • How do we change the demographics?  Let's be honest on our demographics.
  • We can start with the 800 lb gorilla in the room
  • How are we going to transport thousands of people who don't belong here?
  • Change the demographics. Lake Worth has become a depository for the poor and indigent.

Herman Robinson:
  • Says "bull shit" to Maxwell's statement.

Pam Triolo:
  • Reminded Omari Hardy that it was this commission that gave employee raises


  1. Mayor, it took years to climb out of the recession. Many austerity measures had to be taken so that our city could provide basic services. Omari doesn't know our history or was too young to remember the economic condition we experienced back a decade ago. Once we climbed out of it, and it was a slow process, raises started back. Everyone had to bite the bullet back then. Taking credit for raises is fine but please tell all the details as to why they were not given.

  2. Jesus omari Hardy, there are 5 million housing projects going on right now and they're in your district. Aa literacy coordinator? Are you serious?

  3. Making life difficult for absentee landlords/slumlords and not giving incentives to investors who fix up residential properties but instead only to owner occupied homes is a good place to start as it addresses many issues at once... to drive out people who neglect their homes and become an eyesore dragging down values and driving away potential and current residents. Code enforcement officers are already working for the city so remove the red tape and expedite the process for them to do their job more efficiently and speed up the process!

  4. Why do people have to have all these "incentives" to do the right thing? What in the heck happened to our culture that we have to buy off people? Expedite the fining and foreclosure process and get the bums out.

  5. I agree with LYNN ! Shorten the damn code process!You could graduate High School .grow old and die before anything is done to slum lords. Hardy,are you crazy???? We need to get rid of this nut ASAP.People are parking all over their front yards in my neighborhood and I can't get the city to do a damned thing! So "'grow or die" not "fix up what we already have" is the mantra of this ship of fools? How do cities like Sanibel Island do it? How does Key West do it? These God damned three stooges in a group of five are determined to turn our city into the unrecognizable TURD FEST that most of Palm Beach County has become.A big FUC YOU goes out to all of the people that were too lazy to vote and allowed this group of corrupt idiots to rape Lake Worth.

  6. Eliminating the CRA will add a significant amount of tax revenue to our annual budget. At least taking back the downtown area will begin to address the lack of funds in our general fund without creating a worse traffic problem with additional development.
    We already have 100's of approved units. That's more than the city can tolerate.

  7. I agree with Scott

  8. None of these comments seem like much of a real vision for the city. Sounds like that got off topic with complaining or patting themselves on the back. These people are completely incompetent for the city!
