Saturday, July 7, 2018

Troubling evidence discovered involving Peter Strzok

Memos show Strzok accelerating Russia probe before election

Drip, drip, drip ... the information on the FBI's behavior keeps dribbling out and it's not good for the agency.

The latest revelation shows just how fast FBI agent Peter Strzok and his counterintelligence team could swing into action when the goal was to stop Trump.

Too bad they're not that energized now when the goal is discovering exactly what they did. [WND]

Read about it... at WND

Peter Strzok has agreed to go before Congress on Thursday, July 12.


  1. Because I know you're so informed, you already know that he's already testified behind closed doors before the House, right? Happened in late June and the House Republicans on the committee are refusing to release the transcript. Think about why that might be.

    Of course, whatever he has to say really doesn't matter to you unless it's something that you can use to smash over the heads of Democrats. If it's damning evidence that Trump colluded with Putin before the election, you'll call it Deep State BS or wait for Alex Jone's take on it and then copy and paste it here.

  2. Yes, thanks so much for your liberal twist.
    He will now be under oath---BIG difference. His testimony at the Judiciary Committee was CLOSED DOOR and Strzok was furious that some of it get leaked!
    As far as copying and pasting, so what? Should I be reinventing the wheel?-- rewriting the same thing? I trust certain sources. My question is why do you trust Morning Joe?

  3. I'll take Morning Joe over the guy who says Sandy Hook never happened and who accused Clinton and Podesta of trafficking in children in the back of a pizza store. But that's just me.

    Like I said, it won't matter what Strzok says or doesn't say to the Trump Cult. If he says something they don't like, he's Deep State and it will be a lie, whether he's under oath or not. If he says something that you all can twist and bend, then he's telling the truth and he's the best FBI agent ever.

    Been watching you stooges for 2 years. And it's the same thing every time. If Trump was put in cuffs and placed in the back of an FBI car, you all would claim he's being kidnapped by the Deep State and would call for a revolution. You all live on a different planet. FCS, you trust Alex Jones.

    Bunch of loons spending your final years spreading hate and trading crazy stories on the internet.

  4. @10:16--my obsessive fan I see. Are you bi-polar by chance?
