Thursday, July 5, 2018

The Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County Meeting

Tonight's the Night--July 5-6:00-8:00 pm:

The Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County will have Wellington's mayor, Anne Gerwig, as keynote speaker.

$16 members and $19 non members at Atlantis Country Club


  1. Congrats to commissioner maxwell on this new job as directore of the Palm Beach County republican party.

  2. @11:53--you have to be kidding, right? I'm talking about the "congratulations" part.

  3. how can Maxwell take care of the party when he cant take care of himself

  4. They should only charge $5 if they want to attract more people. It should not be all about money. They sound as bad as the unions today and then they wonder why no one wants to be part of one.

  5. We don't get it, if Maxwell is Catholic and Republican, why does he support and allow so much abortion? Why is he a hypocrite?
