Monday, July 30, 2018

Southern Poverty Law Center is a HATE Group

VIDEO: Ties found between FBI and flaming liberal hate group Southern Poverty Law Center, which listed Ben Carson on its “extremist watch list”

For example, SPLC does not list Antifa as an extremist group. Really? Yet, they do consider Ben Carson a flaming extremist. And, as unbelievable as it may sound, SPLC does not list Black Lives Matter, responsible for inciting mass murder, as an extremist group, which they justify thusly on their own website.

Read about it... at the Powdered Wig Society.

Liberals know more about hate than any other group. Sometimes I think it is just a game with them...take down all Republicans and conservatives to regain the power.  Why would any group advocate illegals crossing our borders under any circumstance with some of them committing horrendous crimes? They can't be that insane, can they?

1 comment:

  1. I never cared for them, but then, most people never heard of them.
