Saturday, July 14, 2018

Seattle passes silly gun law

Seattle Passes New Gun Control Legislation That May Put Lives At Risk

Saying that they are trying to "save one life at a time," Seattle's city council passed this new law that will limit a gun owners ability to defend himself. If an armed robber breaks into your house, you will have to find your locked gun and then load it. By that time, you will be lucky to be alive.

Read about it...

USA Today wrote--"A federal district court judge in Boston has upheld the state's ban on assault weapons – AR-15 semi-automatic rifles and large-capacity magazines – finding that the issue is not a constitutional matter but one for each state to determine on its own politically."

The State of Florida has refused to ban assault weapons and rejected the ban on the AR-15.  I wouldn't be surprised if Lake Worth tried to lobby the legislature on this issue.

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