Sunday, July 22, 2018

Reading the Bible is "abusive" and a "criminal" matter?


Are we now living in some sort of alternative universe where everything has been turned upside down?

As strange as it may sound, one of the most recognized Christian churches has been caught trying to stop a man from READING THE BIBLE on its property.

Read about it... At least this was in London (where they have a Muslim mayor) and not anywhere in the United States.


  1. I went to a church in London once, a Universalist Church. I did not like it at all. They are so vague and never want to talk about Jesus or anyone specific in the Bible. I do not like churches that try to be all to all parishioners and not really say anything at all. I despise generalities and lack of detail. Religion and faith are so much more and have so much history. Today, many churches are dumbing down all. I really love Joel Osteen Church on TV and then going to a Catholic mass each week, both do it for me and touch my soul.

  2. All of this is so stupid. We are primarily a Christian nation in the USA. They said on the news this morning that now the military when they have these ceremonies and have these empty seats for dead service men, they have a seat for them and it had a Bible in it. Now they are going to replace the Bible with a "Book of Faith" instead so to not offend anyone. It is all ridicules.

    Stop the world from spinning, I want to jump off this crazy place!

  3. Well, it is no different than what they did with the new Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC.

    That is not the Museum of the Bible, it is a Museum of the Torah. It is all about the old testament only. They do not even have one exhibit on Jesus Christ in the whole museum. Can you imagine, a Museum of the Bible and not having one exhibit about Jesus Christ. That museum only is for the Jewish Bible. Not the Christian one.

    Then they want to charge you like $15 to go to the Museum and you have to go through stricter screening than an airport just to get in.

    Then to top it off, they make you exit through their huge gift shop to have to buy stuff, really tacky. It is all about money. They turned the Jewish Bible into a money making gimmick. I feel bad for all the people that donated to this new museum.

    What is this world coming to? Don't waste your money on this Museum, they only have a lot of facsimiles of everything, nothing authentic other than thousands of clay pots.

    What a waste and a real offense to our God and Jesus Christ.

  4. Well, the two Haitian priests at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Lake Worth act more like Baptist preachers than Catholics the way they shout at you and talk about themselves so much how wonderful they are, there is nothing Catholic about them, their lack of humility as supposed Catholics is a real joke to the parish. You really have to question a lot today when it comes to church and religion as to why?

  5. Those hatien priests are scammers, its the good life here for them.

  6. Maybe that is why most of the new priests in the Diocese of Palm Beach here are coming from Latin America, the Caribbean, and other parts, they seem to get all people who are in seminary or who are priests from other places just wanting to come to the USA or FL now, not sure if it is really to become a priest here or just to be in the USA it seems. They want the good life of a maid, servant, free housing, benefits, and an almost $50K salary to work one hour a day 6 days a week. They live like kings or royalty here in their palace rectory.

  7. Not to mention them driving very expensive luxury cars, like a Lexus or a $43000 SUV. They are not humble like Pope Frances wants them to be. Very sad, and then they wonder why people do not go to mass anymore or do not want to give to the church like they used to. Mass attendance and donations are dropping, there will be changes!

  8. One of our priests instead of walking by you to shake your hand will go the other way and avoid you just to avoid having to chit chat with you for a few minutes or be nice. Priests really do not want to be bothered or take the time, you see it everyday. They are human after all. So don't put people of the clothe on a pedestal ever!

  9. We have a minister at my old church too who would not let certain people drink from the chalice when they come up to receive communion and wine. He makes them dip their host into the wine instead of sipping from the chalice, but he only does it to certain people I think that he thinks might be gay or have HIV/AIDS/herpes or some other disease. What would Jesus say about this?

  10. Why don't all of you people whining about your priests just go to another church? Over 150 people left my church when we finally couldn't stand the loser bum that got picked for our church,Holy Trinity Episcopal in West Palm Beach. The Dioceses finally had to listen and moved the fool to a different church in Jensen Beach.

  11. Well, it is obvious that many people are leaving in droves from our church. There are hardly many people that go to any of the English masses anymore. I think people have lost respect for the priests. It happens and people leave. Then they change the priest and sometimes they come back. I guess the best thing to do is just watch Joel Osteen on TV, he is the best, so much better than most local church priests today.
