Friday, July 13, 2018

Pay your Fair Share per NATO Agreement

Trump has long criticized Germany and other NATO allies for “freeriding” on Washington’s defense capabilities. Currently only five of NATO’s 29 member states actually allocate the 2 percent of their gross domestic product (GDP) to military spending that they are formally committed to as part of the alliance. Those five are the U.S., the U.K., Greece, Estonia and Poland. [CNBC]

Few members spend more than two percent of their gross domestic product on defense, with the United States accounting for three quarters of NATO defense spending. [Wikipedia]

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  1. Glaring proof. Make it fair NATO.

  2. Love Pres. Trump, love how he in front of total, May and all that CNN and NBC are both fake news and he would not take a question from CNN, good for him. Those news organizations are horrible. Do they not care about their reputations and being upright?

  3. Trump and every president in the last seventy years do not work for the American people's interests they are whores to the military industrial complex and big corporations. EU nations hosting refugees from countries that the US has illegally invaded or is bombing, causing destabilization and destruction should charge the costs of dealing with the refugees to the US corporate military complex! Furthermore the US is working to bring their NATO defense spending down from 2.7 to 2.0% of GDP initially established in 2006 under Bush! Under the current agreement NATO allies have until 2024 to achieve the 2% of GDP goal. So technically trump is full of 💩

  4. @5:02--How come you haters are so wrong on everything? Amazing. Hope you don't live in the untied States. We don't deserve anyone like you.
