Friday, July 6, 2018

One down in the Russian collusion Mess

According to Fox News, the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) filed the multimillion-dollar federal lawsuit against Trump campaign officials, the Russian government, and WikiLeaks, alleging a widespread conspiracy to tilt the 2016 election in Donald Trump’s favor.

Committee fell flat as a judge ruled in favor of President Donald Trump. This ruling clears Trump of all charges and shows, yet again, the pursuit to discover collusion is pointless, especially if one exists. [redrightvideosl]

But the group that filed the suit said it will pursue. They don't want to take "No" for an answer.

Read about it...


  1. Hope they take it all the way to the Supreme Court. Tee Hee!

  2. "This ruling clears Trump of all charges..."

    In your dreams.

    And since you live in a fake news bubble, you do know the Senate last week determined that Russia meddled in the 2016 election, right?

    Indictments - 20
    Guilty Pleas - 5

    Standing by....

  3. There was collusion with Hillary and Russia--not the Trump campaign.

  4. At this point nothing would surprise me with the dems. they will do anything to get after Pres. Trump. The Red hens and mad max's are unhinged and hateful, a real sin. Let the truth come out!
