Tuesday, July 17, 2018

New Finance Director - Lake Worth

Well, it's about time.

Lake Worth recently hired Bruce Miller, the former finance director of Annapolis who resigned there on May 7 right in the middle of early budget deliberations. It seems that their Mayor proposed a $120 million spending plan for 2019. This amounted to a 20 percent increase in the rate.  They wanted to spend, spend and spend some more.

Mr. Miller was the third senior employee at Annapolis to resign since this tax and spend Mayor took office. Former City Manager, Tom Andrews resigned earlier this year. And Chief of Staff Jane Hruska resigned in April.

Good luck Mr. Miller. You will soon find out this city is as screwed up as any other. You  probably found that out last night.

As a side, I agree with Commissioner Maxwell. We don 't need to spend $250,000, a ridiculous amount of money, on a bus stop at our beach and I don't care where the money might come from.

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