Friday, July 6, 2018

MS-13 Gangsters

How demented has the Left become?

"Both NPR and Pro Publica are trying to wage a propaganda campaign humanizing the animals in MS-13. That shouldn’t be surprising considering NPR is a subsidiary of the DNC and Pro Publica is funded by George Soros. This proves just how demented the left has become.

Read about MS-13--the mighty Munchkins

1 comment:

  1. This is what I just do not understand. Good people here in the USA, most of us, want law and order. We want all people to abide by the laws. We do not want illegals just pouring in illegally. We don't want the gangs, drugs, crime, and we just don't want anyone entering our country illegally, period.

    Why do the dems think it is OK to overlook the law and allow all these illegals, gangs, and drugs to all come in? Why do they think we want all of this? There is a lot of greed to all these illegals pouring in so to make $15 an hour under the table and all these human trafficked who then have to pay off their Coyotes.

    I think the liberal dems are making a huge mistake if they think many want this lawlessness and chaos here.

    Demand the elected make a law so to not ever allow one illegal to ever have a pathway to citizenship. If they are here, only as residents, no citizenship or voting, period!
