Sunday, July 29, 2018

Maxine Waters: "God sent me to 'get' Trump"

With her sulfuric acid mouth, Maxine Waters said, “I don’t know shut up. I don’t know intimidation. I don’t know fear," after calling President Trump a liar, divisive and NOT making America great. She wants to impeach the President.

It's an embarrassment that she is a clueless elected official in America and this lunatic now is using God's name in vain for her vitriol and hate.


  1. An uninspired wacko who wants to vault to fame on the shoulders of our very successful president.

    She lives in anger and suggests intimidation of Republicans to silence them and get in the way of American greatness.

    Her fellow politicians will do ell to censure her outrageous suggestions.

  2. Democrats-please keep electing this nut case.
