Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Mad Max, the face of the Democratic party--like "fingernails on a chalkboard"

Maxine Waters blasted Chuck Schumer during an appearance with Joy Reid. She is ticked off because he said that Waters was wrong to incite violence. [steadfastgandloyal]

She says she can walk and chew gum at the same time. She left out how she can lie better than most, appeals to constituents more ignorant than she and still uses "the children" to promulgate her hate.  Next week it will be something else she will cling to for her goal of impeaching 45.


  1. Sounds like all she wants to get is public housing for the poor!

    What a freak nut case!

    The lady who is doing the interview is just as much a liberal kuku!

    Why didn't they do anything about this when Obama and other presidents did this?

    Can't take listening to this whacko anymore!

  2. "because he said that Waters was wrong to incite violence."


    This is actually what Shumer said:

    "I strongly disagree with those who advocate harassing folks if they don't agree with you."

    I'm old enough to remember the Tea Party protests where Tea Party "patriots" stormed their representative's town halls and shouted them down.

    I also remember armed Republicans standing outside auditoriums where Obama was speaking when he was President.

    After the right gets its facts straight and quit with the fake news stuff, they can move on to growing a backbone. Or they can simply admit that they are not as tough as Democrats when it comes to political criticism.

  3. Republicans are in power. Has nothing to do about growing a backbone--Republicans simply are not as rude or crazy as Democrats. I have never witnessed this sort of disgusting behavior in my life. Sure don't recall any T-Party people armed where Obama was speaking but do remember the new Black Panther party being armed at the Republican convention .

  4. Respectfully, not remembering might be part of the problem today.

    Here's a refresher:

    And there are tons of photos of people wearing disgusting or rude tee shirts at Trump rallies or Trump rally attendees yelling and flipping off the journalists in the back of the room after Trump points them out.

    Some folks think that it only comes from the left. In reality it is much, much worse from the right. For instance, I don't remember any Democrats running over and killing any Republicans at any protests like what happened in Charlottesville. What Waters advocates is way, way down on the scale from carrying guns to Trump rallies or driving cars into Republicans.

    So continue to complain but realize that the left went through 8 years of abuse and hell from the right, some of which I shared above, and I think they're getting kinda tired of being your punching bag.

  5. Yeah, I'm sure there are lots. My memory is just fine. There has been nothing like what you Democrats have done---NOTHING.

    What about the nut job Democrat Trump hater who shot at members of Congress practicing for a charity baseball game who had raged against President Trump.

    Charlottesville was started by Democrats offended by some innocuous group (KKK)who had a permit.


  6. The difference has been, and you illustrate this point clearly, is that while you can't point to one Democrat who would scapegoat the guy who committed a criminal act by shooting at the congressman, you yourself makes excuses for a man who has been charged with a hate crime in Charlottesville for running over someone who was exercising her 1st Amendment rights...btw, they were rightwing avowed Nazis, not the KKK. No one deserves to die just because of their political beliefs and it's amazing that you think so.

    That's the difference. Making excuses for bad actors is typical of the right wing.

    Republicans carrying assault weapons to Obama conventions happened. Tea party protests where congressmen were shouted down happened. Tee shirts urging Clinton to be locked up or calling her the c-word were worn to Trump rallies. And, yes, a 79yo black congresswoman urged people to make some noise. It wasn't the end of the world when Republicans were making their points heard and it won't be the end of the world because people are letting Trump Administration officials know that taking children from their parent without any plan to reunite them is not American.

  7. Oh, Lynn...I hope that you can agree that driving a car into a group of protestors and killing one, no matter who "started it," is wrong.

    I hope you haven't fallen that far. Sometime I can't believe what I'm hearing today. I refuse to believe it.

  8. 8:01pm the events at Charlottesville were peaceful until antifa showed up in their face covering ninja costumes. Why do they cowardly hide their identity, answer that since you have an answer for everything.

  9. @8:58--no excuses. Wrong is wrong. All I am saying is that this group that comprised neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan, had the right to assemble without punks causing a problem. What they did resulted in violence.

    Nothing in the past is as bad as you people are now. You accuse me of giving excuses for what happened in Charlottesville but you do it for crazy Maxine Waters. Good luck to that.

    There will never be peace as long as anarchists continue their act and their hate.

  10. Lynn,trying to talk sense to people who don't have any is an impossible job. All of the talking heads on the left are exploding. MAGA! Just think,you leftist army of brain dead zombies- only seven more years of Trump! Watch the movie 'Mars attacks". It shows what happens when you live by the left mantra"Invite them into our homes and love them and everything will be utopia"! LOL!
