Sunday, July 8, 2018

London's insult--juvenile and offensive

Britain has always hated the United States--total jealousy. Now London's mayor Muslim Sadiq Khan, has granted permission for the 20 foot inflatable balloon – with diaper and man boobs – to go up for two hours at Parliament Square Gardens. Campaigners raised around $24,000 online to fund this obnoxious stunt.

It has been reported that President Trump will entirely avoid London during his four-day visit to the UK.

Steel tariffs have angered some in the UK and London's mayor just hates Trump--must have something to do with Trump's travel ban even though our Supreme Court approved it. The Fake News Media and more than likely hateful Democrats are cheering this insult to our country that mocks the President of the United States.

Trump 2020 -- The best revenge


  1. hope we don't give this place any foreign aid.

  2. We don't give Britain any aid. It is the tariff's they don't like. No one wants to play fair and they continue to want us to be suckers.

  3. We must remember that this is a radical minority acting out-just like our own radical minority here. Please don't paint all Brits by the actions of a few. Trump will find a way to turn this around to benefit himself.

  4. @11:25 Trump does not do anything to BENEFIT HIMSELF. Everything he does is to benefit this country and its citizens.

  5. Parts of London are no go zones with a high murder rate, guns? No, knives. The news censors this.

  6. Naivety is shown at 11:25.

  7. That mayor sounds super childish and unprofessional to say the least. I am surprised the Queen and PM doesn't intervene and stop such a stupid stunt. Doesn't sound like his hate will last too long though.

  8. Briton is our closest friend along with Canada, we share a common culture and history, we don’t hate each other.

  9. This will backfire on the crazies in London and this will work out to somehow benefit Trump! It always does! People think they've got him and it boomerangs back on them !!
