Sunday, July 8, 2018

llegal kills FBI agent, fire marshal and gets off with a slap

and ends up being fined $280. Actually the "slap" is against the citizens of the United States of America.

WND asks, "What happens when government officials choose political correctness over enforcing the law and refuse to turn over an illegal-alien criminal to ICE?

Well, in this tragic case, two Americans die, and the illegal alien responsible for it gets slapped on the wrist to the tune of $140 for each life taken.

Democrats are currently calling to "abolish ICE," but that's really unnecessary.

Uncooperative local governments are already effectively doing it for them."

Read about this illegal alien who has committed crimes before.
This happened in our ultra liberal capital of Washington, D.C. and ICE requested that this illegal, who has been here illegally for at least 9 years and now killed two people, be put on hold. Washington did not honor ICE's request. How do we keep our country safe when liberals refuse to cooperate?

Illegal Aliens Committed 48,000 Assaults in 2017.

ICE is more important than ever--



  1. hope all you who who have so much to say remember this in the fall election.this is getting closer and closer to people that want guns taken away.if you really want to stop this crap talk to all your neighbors about voting.we don't need carovans to get the vote out.just start talking positive

  2. What we need is to close our borders to illegals and build the wall, not confiscate guns.
