Monday, July 23, 2018

Lake Worth Town Hall Meeting

Read Kevin D. Thompson's article...


  1. Get rid of the red light at 10th ave north northbound entrance.

    It is new and backs up traffic as far as across A street and we will have hundreds additional unit in the new future.

  2. Do we have to pay to park?

  3. "the roadways have not kept up with the population or the times.”
    Yeah Kerner, what do you think the people have been trying to tell the Palm Beach County Commission for the last 40 years???? The Commissioners ,who are supposed to be REPRESENTING US have instead belittled,insulted and outright laughed at people standing up before them and begging them to just follow their own damn rules on zoning!!!!! Too little too late ,moron! Are Kerner and his fellow growth whores finally paying attention now that people are finally getting the hell out of this scum pit called Palm beach County?

  4. No where does it mention "free" parking--not on the city's web site, not on this graphic and not in Kevin's article.

  5. Hi there! This is your County Commissioner, Dave Kerner. First and foremost, I have confirmed with the city that there will be 100 free parking spots for this event. Thanks for bringing up this good point.

    Additionally, I deeply respect and support your right to criticize a public official, like myself. However, it's important for me to correct the record. Having been born and raised here (Florida Drive at Hypoluxo and Congress), I left the legislature early to run for County Commission so that I could effect REAL change for my hometown. Since I've been elected, we've shut down the Atlanta Braves at JPP proposal, voted down major expansion in western PBC (Iota Carol), defeated G L proposal to expand in the ag reserve, and many other important paradigm shifting votes (including new development on Hypo and on Lantana Road). I'm proud of what we've accomplished in just over a year, and am excited to continue the progress.

    I would invite you to follow my votes and advocacy more closely in the future, as I think you would be pleased with our new direction in PBC. Feel free to reach out to me at or call me at 561-355-2203. We're all fighting for the same goals, and I am honored to have this opportunity to represent my hometown district. I am deeply thankful for the trust I've received from my constituents and neighbors, and take great pride in doing the right thing. My best to you.

    Dave Kerner
    County Commissioner

  6. My pleasure! I am a loyal reader of your blog. I appreciate what you do for our community. dmk

  7. The time to address the roads and traffic is BEFORE approval of hundreds of low income housing. Don't put the cart before the horse.

  8. Well Dave, if you are in charge of the county and have control of those lights on 10th Ave doing onto I95, get rid of them. They are causing so many problems to get on to I95, they are NOT NEEDED, unnecessary to have, please change them back to blinking only and if someone needs to push the button to cross, then it can turn red for a minute, but having it back up the cars to way back to A Street or B Street or to Barnett Road the other way, it has become super problematic. Please fix it Dave!

  9. I just won't go to work taking 10th Ave anymore! It is horrible! Go to 6th Ave, Lantana, or Forest Hill, that is what I do now. I won't go to work using 10th Ave anymore. It is a mess. I hope Dave can get this fixed. Makes no sense what they did. They do not do this to any other entrance to I95. Is lake Worth becoming CA now?

  10. That was nice that dmk wrote and seems to care Lynn. You are blessed as someone is listening to you although it may not any of the city elected. God works in mysterious ways!

  11. @8:51...6th Avenue South is a mess at rush hour. Total MESS!

  12. Kerner,you ran for county Commissioner because the pay check was bigger here than in the state. Incredible, but true about the salary difference. The ONLY reason John Prince Park was not turned over to a billionaire baseball business is that THEY DIDN'T WANT JOHN PRINCE PARK. It was too small for them. So PLEASE don't try to take credit for that . You have buried your head in the sand as far as the Helicopter school at Lantana Air port.If and when a low flying plane or helicopter crashes into a home over here,probably only a couple of people will die. Maybe nobody will die if they are at work trying to earn enough money to pay their Palm Beach County taxes.But Bravo Dave,at least you are showing up at this meeting. I have to give some credit for that. Is it election time already?

  13. Thank you Commissioner Kerner for co-sponsoring legislation when you were our representative that overwhelmingly passed both houses at the State level and was signed into law increasing penalties for "johns" to help cities across Florida battle the street level prostitution problem.

    With your Law Enforcement background, you know how interrelated that activity and drugs, property crime, assaults and human trafficking are and this is one step in helping to curb the demand side.

    Keep up the good work!

  14. Thanks to Commissioner Hardy and Commissioner Kerner for holding this meeting.Listening to the people has been a quality sorely lacking in Palm Beach County Commissioners in the past. And thank you Lynn for writing this great blog!
