Monday, July 2, 2018

Lake Worth Commissioners cancel another meeting

When you think about it, the commission's main objective is to get in and out as quickly as possible. That $500 a month car allowance is looking more ridiculous by the minute. One commissioner actually looks irritated just by being there. Even during the roll call, he hesitates answering as if he's not sure that he's there or not. And he's constantly irritated with Commissioner Hardy for asking questions which means he has to stay on the dais minutes more than he wants to.

The goal--put everything on the Consent Agenda (which sometimes totals millions in dollars) if you can legally get away with it. Spend like there's no tomorrow. Tell your bosses (the taxpayers of Lake Worth) as little as possible...who in the hell are they?

How many times have they reduced their meetings to one a month?  Too many.  And according to our Charter they must have at least one meeting a  month. And they are proud that their meetings are short comparing them to a former administration that actually clued the residents in as to what was going on in the city.

I guess that salary raise they voted for themselves didn't entice them to actually work and be accountable to the people they serve. They still take their taxpayer trips, however. no reduction there. And, we never get a report from some of them as to what they accomplished or what they did. The mayor gives a few sound bytes but I would like to have an in-depth report, PowerPoint would be good, giving the details as to what they learned and how it benefits Lake Worth.

So, another meeting is cancelled. It's close to Independence Day. They have to get ready for that Raft Race, a priority and something that actually turns them on.


  1. wow Lynn. Truth right between the eyes. Maybe that city raft will sink again.

  2. I don't know anymore about the city. I can't even get someone to answer a phone call. Unless you are among the ass kissers in this town, forget about getting any info or any commissioner responding. Maxwell is the worst. The best is Robinson.

  3. We’ve called utilities about replacing a street light in the easement it was fixed in 2 days, called about missing trash can, was told to make a police report, a guy as over at our house within an hour even though it was after 5pm he came in a white truck, while he was here he noticed our green vegetation can was cracked so he brought us a new one the following Monday. We called about our sewage backing up, a man cane within 2 hours, it was Sunday morning, he worked for 2 hours looking for the “clean out”, since we didn’t have one the city installed one a week later at no expense to us. Through our experience dealing with city staff we feel blessed to have them working for us.

    Happy Independence Day!

  4. @11:52...Agree with you. Staff does a good job.

  5. Vote them out! Someone voted these clowns to stay in longer. Who was it? Why? I think the State of FL needs to make the salary limit for elected to be something like only $300 a month and receipts for any other expenses like gas/travel. Don't the owners and tax payer deserve better than what they have now?

  6. andy, pam, and scott, and who ever else changed the law for them to get such high pay ($45K a year),+ benefits, gas, etc are all corrupt and greedy. There is no other words to describe them at all. CORRUPT AND GREEDY! There no different than the Catholic Church!

  7. andy has to live the rest of his life now knowing he raped the citizens of Lake Worth with his greediness and corrupt ways and not one person in the city can even stand the less than a man he is today!

  8. The cancer they have created is just eating away at them. They will reap what they sow.
