Thursday, July 26, 2018

Hit and Run in Lake Worth

Hit and Run on 6th Avenue South

Read about it... and see the video of the driver of the motorcycle who was left on the road unconscious.


  1. 99% it's a FUCING ILLEGAL !!! Either a Haitian or a Guat . They have ZERO respect for life. PBSO told our neighborhood assoc. last year that 80% of the car accidents in Lake Worth involved an uninsured motorist. Most will try to flee the scene if they can. When this worm is finally caught,I'm sure that the Palm Beach Post will 1. Not tell us that they are here illegally and 2. Immediately run a sob story about the hit and run driver and their family.

  2. I agree! I saw an illegal once on Dixie smash into a lady as he had to stop fast and didn't and smashed right into her, then he backed up and sped off so fast, he fled the scene, bet he didn't have any insurance either. It is so dangerous living among all these illegals here, but no one wants law and order.

    I want law and order. I do not want one illegal to ever have a pathway to US citizenship ever. Never ever. They came in illegally and should never have one darn right in this country. Boot them all the hell out!

  3. The PB Post is biased and censored, but we know what is going on.
