Thursday, July 12, 2018

Has Set Rich's murderers been found?

Highly-protected witness has conclusive evidence identifying Seth Rich’s murderers, who are both federal agents, one from DEA, one from ATF

Two years ago, there were a lot of conspiracy theories about the murder of Seth Rich, an employee of the DNC: Hillary, Wikileaks with Rich sending them e-mails, government cover-ups, Russians and their possible interference in the 2016 election, etc.

Back then, Snopes.looked into the matter and stated: "We were able to confirm the FBI is not investigating Rich's murder — it is an MPD investigation . Local police said they believed it was a robbery although nothing was taken. He was shot in the back.

 A "highly-protected witness has conclusive evidence identifying Seth Rich’s murderers, who are both federal agents, one from DEA, one from ATF." Right now, he is in hiding and protected.

Read about it...


  1. Holy CRAP Batman !!!! This witness better be in Super Man's fortress of Solitude or else the Clinton Murder Machine will never let him testify !!!

  2. Snopes-two fat asses in a basement on a couch. With a cat. But to hold this big reveal " In a Holiday Inn" ??? You must be joking.I'm sorry,I can't take this seriously!
    The murder of Seth Rich was a govt hit job. And the bike rack "memorial"? It's not a "memorial" . It's a warning to other staffers to keep their mouths shut.

  3. 10:38: thanks for mention of the Clinton Crime Family, we shouldn't forget how nasty they really are.
