Monday, July 23, 2018

FISA docs contradict Strzok

New Documents Reveal Strzok Lied to Congress

During his testimony to the House, Peter Strzok testified that he was not involved in the writing of the FISA application and did not provide any information for it. But now we know differently. Strzok used a September 2016 letter from Carter Page to James Comey as a pretext to open an investigation into him. Paul Sperry of the New York Post tweeted on this subject.

Read about it... and the "Clinton Campaign Document." It was all a fraud committed against the Trump campaign.


  1. This guy is now too dangerous for the Clinton Machine to let live.He better start singing like a canary or all they're going to find left of this dirty bird is a pile of feathers on the bottom of his cage..

  2. Gosh who can you trust anymore in our government?
