Saturday, July 21, 2018

Few buyers have pulled the trigger

Capitalizing on the pain and suffering of others, David Hogg has a book out.  Did anyone know that? I guess most of America was not informed as only 3,741 copies have sold of this paper-back.

Read about Hogg and his attempt at capitalism... This kid's 15 minutes of fame is over. Maybe now he will have time to read and comprehend the 2nd Amendment.


  1. God,what an angry,turnip -headed little freak!

  2. Thank God. Will that mean you will stop obsessing over him?

  3. Probably not. I don't like punks.
    Obsession to a liberal is mentioning something that they don't like more than one time. LOL

  4. St. Peter's Gate, Lynn.

    Will He approve your hate and vitriol? Or will you spend eternity roasting in Hell?

    You have the power to change it. And He knows it...and is watching for your decision.

    It's not too late. It never is.

  5. Is this God at 10:30? No, of course not. This is some hypocritical atheist feminist. God will approve of my speaking the truth. Why don't you concern yourself with all the Democratic hate in this country. You continue to divide. This punk Hogg will eventually see the light unless he becomes an Antifa member or black Lives Matter or takes a job at the Southern Poverty Law Center...if he can ever get a job. His hate is something you would probably advocate. Hating American and hating in general is yours and the DNC's only platform. Pathetic.

  6. Roasting in hell? What a nasty post 10:30pm follow your own advice and clean up your act.

  7. He knows who is dividing and who is hating, Lynn, and when it is time, All will be judged, whether they be Democrats, Republicans or any other political persuasion. We are are children of God and are entrusted with acting accordingly.

    In the end, eternity can be Heaven or Hell.

    You live your life on Earth in preparation. He knows your heart.

    God Bless.
