Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Electric Generation Power Summary

In year 2002, we entered into a contract with FMPA that locked us into higher power costs. Commissioner Maxwell voted FOR that contract.

The beginning of lowering rates started in December 2008 when we voted to exit FMPA All Requirements. By the end of 2013, we ended our contract with them. In January 2014 we got a new energy provider with Orlando Utilities giving us a rate that was more favorable to Lake Worth. Tonight, discussion will take place on purchase power contracts.

According to the agenda tonight, FMPA has been contracted again, this time regarding our solar--Solar Power Sales Contract with FMPA; deliveries begin June 2020


  1. WHY are we considering FMPA again. We know their rates are exorbitant.

    Protect the citizen rate payers and keep working with Orlando.

    My bills in the summer are lower than they have been in 20 years-$135 a month makes me happy to open the bill.

  2. FMPA relates to the Solar project.
