Sunday, July 1, 2018

Democrats Are No Friend To African-Americans

The Root writer Michael Harriot who happens to be an African American, likens Democrats to Judas in his article called “The Democratic Party Is Not Our Friend.” He quotes Matthew 26:14-16, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver Him to you? And they counted out to him thirty pieces of silver.”

In his owns words, Mr. Harriot has this to say about Democrat leaders.

“Maybe you can still feel the wetness of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s lips from when he kissed you on your cheek before selling you out. Maybe you can hear the coins jingling in House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s pockets. If you can’t, it’s probably because you are so accustomed to the sound and feeling of being sold out by the same people you are willing to fight for, you’ve grown numb to the feeling,” Harriot writes. [Liberty Planet]


  1. Trump is getting more and more black supporters

  2. I agree, any person of any color can see and feel it. Like the video you showed the other day with all those speaking about what is happening in CA with sanctuary cities, many of us our victims of it, especially if you lived in Lake Worth, drunk illegals all over the city, fighting, drunk, passing out in your front yard, damaging your property, stealing your statues and hose and causing a water leak in your house. I think a lot of American born African-Americans feel all of this with the illegals here too, taking their jobs, lowering their wages, increasing their rents, and showing no respect for law and order, they feel it too like most who have lived in Lake Worth or other sanctuary cities around the country. Dems are only attracting illegals who are not supposed to be able to vote, to their side, will this really work for them? I like the authors analogy here, it all goes back to faith in God, most who have true faith can see through all of this, we have a moral Thermostat and we know what is right, we want law and order, and we see through the greed and lawlessness. Americans of faith are not going to settle for any more of this lawlessness and waste. We are rising above and having our say too. Even all the Hispanics who came here legally and did it the right way, don't like what is happening or the lawlessness of it all, many of them have spoken out too. The dems are losing and will keep losing until they turn from their lies, sin, greed, and corruption, and turn to God, God does not want us to kill. He does not want us to kill our unborn babies or use abortion or the death penalty. Stop the hypocrisy liberal dems and the left. We want life, law and order. Speak life!

  3. President Trump will keep getting more and more black supporters because the other side is completely insane, off their rockers, no logic or rhyme or reason to anything at all. All good people want peace and law and order. The dems offer none of this, just hate, lawlessness, and anarchy. Pray for them!
