Thursday, July 12, 2018

Demand Justice plans to bring down Brett Kavanaugh

The true Deplorables--

One of Hillary Clinton’s activist groups has weighed in with strategies on how to defeat the President’s SCOTUS nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Demand Justice was founded in early 2018 and is a left-of-center 501(c)(4) advocacy group that aims to influence the political leanings of America’s courts by supporting the appointment of liberal judicial nominees and opposing right-of-center nominees. The organization acts primarily through media campaigns against nominated and unconfirmed judicial nominees. [Influence Watch]

They even refer to their strategies as battle plans. They will be attacking the Judge by trying to attach him to a sexual scandal of a Judge he clerked for. That is the Dems proven tactic of personal destruction. The other strategy will be to delay the nomination by burying it in paperwork. Here is what they intend to do.

Read about it...


  1. Yeah,good luck. Their "plans" will not work. There is nothing that the Dumbs can do to stop this guy from being nominated. As B.O. so condescendingly but truthfully said"elections have consequences".

  2. Ironically the dems use sex scandals against others while turning a blind eye to the their own predators.
