Tuesday, July 24, 2018

David Hogg, spewing hatred

Hogg Claims Russia Supplied $30M To NRA In 2016 For Trump

CNN and the Democrats have another brain dead puppet, a willing kid who has been manipulated beyond belief and who knows nada. As this kid appears everywhere, even on the hate network CNN, spreading his lack of facts. I'm not sure who is less informed or less of an embarrassment, he or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

"Young Mr. Hogg claims that Russia supplied all the money the NRA spent on Trump in 2016.

But that suggests he doesn’t know that Hillary spent 1.2 billion dollars, while President Trump spent 600 million. So if money buys elections, why isn’t Hillary in the Oval Office? Then he said that Trump will cancel the 2020 elections. If he had been in government class instead of spewing hatred on CNN, he would have learned the Executive branch has zero say in elections. Congress has the power over elections and the Supreme Court has oversight of them." [SteadfastandLoyal]

Read about the Hogg...


  1. The claim that the NRA funneled money through the NRA to the Trump campaign has been around for over 6 months. It's nothing new and it's being investigated.

    The fact that money is used to fund campaigns also is, obviously, not new. However, it would be of concern to most Americans that Russia was funneling money through the NRA to help a U.S. presidential candidate. The real concern here is that the pro-Putin right doesn't seem to be too concerned about Russia's collusion and possible manipulation of the U.S. electoral system...as long as it works in their favor.

    And, yeah, the Executive Branch has little to say in how elections are run unless they are able to obtain overwhelming majorities in the judicial and legislative branches of the government and then sway them in the manner that they want them to go. Republicans have the Congress, the White House and, through judicial appointees that they delayed filling for 8 years, are well on their way to taking the judicial branch.

    Changing the election laws are not out of the realm of possibility given the tone of the conversation right now in America and the fact that Trumpsters will do anything that Trump asks them to...including overriding the Constitution.

  2. I can't respond to this--way too much BS. Carry on. You lost. You will continue to lose.
    Trump is filling judicial appointments as quickly as possible...ya know, with men who understand the Constitution.
    And no one is "pro-Putin." What we are into is better relations with our adversaries and Trump is doing this with tough policies.
    Don't have the time to respond right now...on the run. Back later.

  3. Hogg is a petulant piglet!

  4. Don’t insult piglets! Pigs are intelligent animals.
