Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Breakfast at Toojays

Yesterday there was a mini-"public" meeting going on at Toojays. As I entered the restaurant close to 10am, in the far back corner of the room where people sit when they want some semblance of privacy, lo and behold there was city manager Bornstein,  assistant city manager Juan Ruiz, and commissioners Scott Maxwell and Herman Robinson.

Implicit in the democratic process is the assumption that government should be accountable for its actions and in this case, the optics were bad. Should we assume that they were there talking about innocuous subjects such as sports or grandchildren as Clinton and Loretta Lynch did on the tarmac?

But then, perhaps they were just there for the onion bagels and cream cheese.


  1. Bad optics is not the worst of it. The meet in Mike's office all of the time away from public scrutiny. This has been going on for years.

  2. one way to get them out is to show this to your neighbors and get them to vote

  3. The Lazy ass people living in this little gem of corruption called Lake Worth deserve to have crooked pigs like this "representing" them. The people of Lake Worth ARE getting the town and the government that they deserve! And apologies to pigs.

  4. 11.47 is right there are a lot of lazy people here.there are also a lot of us who have put things on hold to try to change things but you always find something wrong.i challenge you to put your name in there and see if we back you.

  5. Lake Worth code is useless! There are cars parked all over front yards in lake Osborne. NO CODE ! Neighbors all call and call and call . STILL NO CODE. These employees are not worth the money we give them! Fire the entire code department and replace them with a couple of dancing donkeys. We'd get better service!

  6. After living in Lake Worth for over twenty years and having so much crime directed toward me and my family, I wonder if many others have experienced all I did. They broke in one time breaking a window and going out the front door stealing all electronics, gold, jewelry, anything they could take, and I was only gone 30 minutes. They stole my Virgin Mary statue, robbed my water hose and damaged my water pipe, they guat bashed so many guys all around our house, they murdered a man behind my house, the illegals would line up a half an ally long to go into a prostitutes house three houses up from us, the illegals were drunk all over passed out and being real hooligans on so many occasions, someone threw an old junky bike over my backyard fence, they stole plants, smashed out a back window in our car, broke my bird bath, would trespass on my porch, sideswiped our car parked in front of our house, hit and run, stole our arbor in our front yard, trespassed so many times, stole our flowers on our porch, the list goes on after 20 years living there, we moved the hell out. The city, the police, the so called pathetic leaders never do anything for the people to make it a good city. Why would any decent person want to own and live in Lake Worth? This all happened to me and my family after living here for over 20 years. Why would anyone want to stay living in Lake Worth? The leaders, government, law enforcement, and codes did nothing in this city to keep decent people wanting to keep living in this city. It taught us some valuable lessons that is for sure. Why would anyone want to live in Lake Worth pam?

  7. Oh, I forgot, they killed one of my cats too!

  8. @9:00pm, no they wouldbn't do that. They don't even worry about all the crime in this city aainst its residents so why would they bother with a cat?
