Sunday, July 22, 2018

Benghazi hero slams Hillary Clinton


  1. There's a special place in Hell for Hillary Clinton.

  2. Not just her, but for most politicians and leaders. The greed, corruption, and power grabs from them all. They are only cancer for them, but when will they learn?

  3. He isnt a hero. He did nothing heroic, he saved no one. He wasnt even enlisted, he was a contractor who was earning far more than our military personnel and was pissed because he didnt receive comparable military benefits after this incident. This was investigated and Clinton was cleared of wrong doing. Kind of sad taht people have to justify trump's ill doing by deflecting and pretending he's still better than she.

  4. He was a hero by just being there, putting his life in danger protecting Ambassador Stevens and everyone there. Paronto served four years as an Army Ranger followed by four years in the Army National Guard. He reached the enlisted rank of Sergeant before receiving a commission in 2003. He had a dangerous job there. You should read his history.
    You will say anything and still support Crooked Hillary. It is amazing. Clinton was responsible for the four deaths there. The report blamed the military and the Obama administration. She was the Secretary of State whether or not official blame fell on her.
    I can't stand talking about this woman.

  5. I saw it live: Hillary Clinton stating that SHE takes full responsibility for the Bengazi massacre. Ordered to protect and distance Obama.
