Saturday, July 21, 2018

"Are you f*****g kidding me Hillary Clinton?!!!"

Hillary Attacks Trump For ‘Not Defending’ US Ambassador – One Benghazi Survivor Drops the F Bomb On Her



  1. We need more Benghazi hearings and investigations. 33 is not enough. I bet if we spend another $10 million and question her for another 11 hours we're going to get to the bottom of this little scam that Killery has been running.


  2. We spent $7.8 million over two and a half years on Benghazi. Hillary is directly responsible for the 4 who were slaughtered there. The Mueller probe (Witch Hunt) has cost over $20 million and has been going on for how long?

    So, yes, Lib, MAGA. Trump is grying to do that but you guys get in the way.

  3. 5:52 NEVER try to use examples to make your point about how great Democrats are because there are always MANY MORE examples of how they are are actually a pretty evil,stinking,slimy bunch. You included ,5:52. Keep on talking because the more Democrats open their mouths ,the more Republicans win . MAGA
