Monday, July 9, 2018

And Trump chooses...

"I promised you I would only appoint justices in the mold of the late, great Justice Antonin Scalia.

Today, I am once again fulfilling that promise by appointing a strong Constitutionalist, the Honorable Brett M. Kavanaugh, to the Supreme Court.

Judge Kavanaugh will protect our religious liberties, uphold the rule of law, and interpret the Constitution as it was originally understood by our Founders.

Senate liberals know that we have the opportunity to reshape the Supreme Court for an entire GENERATION, and they are ready to obstruct and unleash a smear campaign against our nominee.

Just like during Justice Gorsuch’s confirmation hearings, we need to remind Democrats to stop playing politics and to put America FIRST.

~ President Donald J. Trump


  1. Excuse me, it’s Mr. Trump or President Trump! Please show respect to the position he holds, you aren’t sitting at a bar shooting pool brinking gin, show some respect!

  2. I love gin! Only alcohol I like,although I would always rather have a Dr Pepper! And I love President Trump. Another great Supreme Court pick. I urge everyone to listen to Judge Kavavaghs speech last evening. God bless our Nation ,our people,and our President!
