Thursday, July 5, 2018

Amoroso endorses Levine for Governor in Democratic Primary

I think everyone should think twice before endorsing a primary candidate--even President Trump. However, it continues with local commissioners endorsing a candidate from their own party in a primary. One should support all primary candidates in their party and then get behind the winner.

Some local business always have someone's sign in their window--not a smart move. There are a handful of establishments that I no longer support because of this. I can think of five right off the bat. Think the Atlanta Braves issue.

Philip Levine, former mayor of Miami Beach,  hates Trump and Trump's immigration stand. He supports Sanctuary cities. He says that the GOP stokes fear and hate (the same old Democratic line).  Miami taxpayers, according to their Financial State of the City 2016 report, carry the 13th largest debt load in the nation at $14,000 a person. And Amoroso endorses this guy!

Read more here:

Read about it...

The Primary for Florida governor is on August 28.

Republican Party Democrats
The Republican candidates running for governor:

Republican Party Republicans


  1. Lake Worthless is a sanctuary city so no surprise with Andy endorsing a jerk like this.

  2. Thanks Andy for pointing out the worst choice.

  3. Why do you think Andrew Gillum’s wife looks like Michelle Obama? They don’t resemble each other at all.

  4. Amoroso highlighted Levine’s support for the LGBTQ community.

    to bad he is still an old white man

  5. Lynn, I doubt that any of those businesses that you no longer patronize because they expressed their 1st Amendment right to free speech by hanging a political sign in their window, have suffered one iota from the lack of your patronage. Considering what you would be able to afford, they surely did not even notice!

  6. @1:11 AND 1:32
    Both of you need to get over yourselves.
    If it's not age you're attacking it's what I can or can't afford. LOL--azzH

  7. I would love to know which business you are boycotting I reckon Calleros is closed because you don’t dine there, Kilwins, Hoffman’s, all becouse of you. LOL!

  8. @2:54. I am sure you are very well aware of what businesses supported the destruction of JPP for corporate welfare.
    Calleros is closed for the moment and they supported the Atlanta Braves.
    Hoffmans and Kilwins have never taken a political stand. It was the high rents that drove them out along with Starbucks. LOL yourself.

  9. can see we are back to the gay community .all for special interest for signs in windows we don't go in if there are political signs there .very tacky.who ever is bitching about boycotting probably don't even vote

  10. Starbucks moved for a better, larger location with a drive thru they could afford the rent. How silly this boycott thing, I don’t care for Book Cellars or Common Grounds politics but I enjoy books and coffee so I go. You have a lot in common with sissy libs, it’s hard to shed that Democrat skin you’ve lived with for 90% of your life I guess.

  11. andy's is one we boycott, would never go to that dump, he tries to sell things he buys at the Dollar Tree for $1 for like $4 or $5, they guy is a joke. Lost his house, rents, lives off the government, and is raping the poor citizens of LW with his high salary and benefits. he is the worst person LW has ever had as an elected, one of the worst who has ever lived in LW!

  12. I am voting for Ron DeSantis, he is the only one with brains and makes sense. We want law and order. We want and end to abortion in the USA. He is getting my vote!

  13. Levine kissed gays asses to get elected in South Beach, now he is hoping all of them will put him in office, along with the teachers, he knows how to play it, kind of like amorosa does, they are kiss ups and fakes!

  14. Whoever commented at 6:45 about A... you are correct. So glad that store is leaving the main ave. It’s NOT what you want representing the city in such a prominent location. Kudos to the landlord for pushing it out.

  15. @5:24...what is "Common Ground politics?" You mean you don't like the fact it is owned by Christians who have done a lot for this community?

    @11:40...I will miss Andy's store not being on the Avenue even though I do not go there ever since he insulted me in a public forum. he was "banned" for principle. Normally if I don't frequent a store it is because it has nothing of interest for me...don't like the food in most of the restaurants that were for the Atlanta Braves and I don't have a pet so that one is easy.

  16. LOL! Drama queens in good ole’ po dunk town......

  17. I kind of like billionaires, so I'll support Greene. I like Common Grounds coffee, enough to overlook their politics. They don't like the police Lynn; did you know that? Basically, I think they are mostly just tripped-out latter day hippies. Harmless, really!

  18. @1:06...just got a response from Pastor Mike. He says your comment about not liking the police is "untrue."
