Friday, July 13, 2018

12 Russians Indicted

Mueller Indicts 12 Russians Involved In Democratic Email Hacking

A federal grand jury has indicted 12 Russian intelligence operatives for hacking Democrats’ emails during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Interestingly, this announcement by special prosecutor Rosenstein comes days before President Donald Trump is to hold a one-on-one meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Rosenstein says the president was informed of this planned announcement.


  1. This smells ! Mueller learned his lesson though-No companies that might fight back were named this time.Mueller crapped his pants when the Russian company named in his farce actually fought back and demanded discovery of everything Mueller had! Uhoh!!!

  2. The timing on this is suspicious to say the least.

  3. “In a July 27, 2016, speech, then-candidate Donald Trump called on Russian hackers to find emails from Hillary Clinton, his Democratic opponent in the U.S. presidential campaign.”

    “Russia, if you’re listening,” Trump said, “I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

  4. Russian hacking has been going on for years. Maybe they did find them and Trump brings them back from his meeting. Wouldn't that be a kick in the head and shut up that evil woman once and for all--and all the rest of the liberals whose only survival is fake news.

  5. It was brought out in the Strzok hearing that 33,000 Hillary e-mails from her private server were sent to an out-of-the-country recipient.


  6. Putin takes mini-subs under miles of ocean, he rides horses, he hunts big game, he has a black belt in judo. And Putzo....well he shakes hands, lots of hand shaking, assaults women, makes fun of handicapped and Gold Star families, loves Nazi's and supremacists, carpetbags and fleeces the American taxpayer with his properties. This will NOT end well.

  7. @11:24--a prime first-class example of a brainwashed liberal. Nothing worse. What will end well is the Red Wave in November and some of you liberals going to jail. You should stop watching all that fake news as it has warped your sense of any reason.
