Sunday, June 10, 2018

TSA Molests 96 year old wheelchaired woman

This really made me cry!
There are some people who are total idiots. This woman was groped, prodded, and patted down for nearly 6 minutes. And just think--these people will get a pension paid for by you.


  1. I agree with you Lynn, made me cry too, how sad. She is 96 years old! They should all be ashamed of themselves. What an embarrassment to our country and TSA, no to our public. I applaud the lady recording this and making a stink. What they hell do they think she has that they have to do all this padding and prodding for? I thought once people turned 70 or so they were exempt from removing shoes and going through all this strict search down? This is a real embarrassment to our country. I hope President Trump sees this and does something about this. How horrible! At least they asked her if she wanted help to put her jacket back on. They really look stupid doing this to that poor old lady though, uncalled for.

  2. If these 2 TSA employees were Republicans you would have seen this lady treated with respect instead of like any other passenger. One of the criteria for sensitive jobs like this should be who you voted for in the last election. That tells the employer a lot about the person applying for the job. Liberals should be barred from doing this kind of job. They don't have the sensitivities or the intelligence to figure out commonsense things like, 70, 80 or 90 yo people don't need to be checked when getting on a plane. Republicans understand those kinds of things.

  3. Are we losing the dignity we once had for the elderly here?

  4. I guess the only thing to do is to start patting down EVERYONE,including all airport staff,pilots,everyone at the beginning of each of their shifts.If the elderly are made exempt from searches,then the next bomb will be smuggled aboard by a senior citizen.I hope they gave this lady as much dignity as possible. This is what anyone ,no matter what age,has to face if they are going to be flying anywhere.

  5. That is why I am now happy staying home and just being at the beach. Tired of traveling and dealing airports, people, bad plane service, and late flights. Plus now, so many people bring animals to the airport, it is a like a kennel there. Not fun anymore!
