Thursday, June 14, 2018

The most Stupid Quote of the Day - Lois Frankel

“Diplomacy is welcome but what we got was another hyped-up episode of a bad reality show. Trump gave North Korea a major U.S. concession – suspension of defensive military drills with South Korea. In exchange, Kim Jong-un offered a vague promise instead of concrete timetables and a commitment to verifiable denuclearization. Congress must watch this carefully.”

~ Lois Frankel

Lois needs to tell us how it feels to be so totally and politically obtuse. She's been in Congress for 15 years. Prior to that, she was in our state's legislature from 1987 to 2003. Time to retire.


  1. I agree clueless and not nice! Not sure she has many friends. We saw her one day at the Pollo Tropical here on Dixie just north of LW. She was all by herself. I do not think she has many friends nor she really is in touch with most Americans, even in her own district. Pretty pathetic to say what she said. I doubt she would ever win a Nobel peace prize. What a fake wannabee she is! Really nasty of her instead of giving President Trump credit for meeting and all he has done.

  2. Anyone who would lie to a group of priests and Rabbis like Lois did is evil.Just what has SHE and her PARTY done to promote peace in the region? Both Republicans and Democrats could have cared less if we or our allies got nuked. They would have been cozy in their elitist bunkers while the rest of us fried. Maybe that was the plan! Thank GOD for Donald Trump. This may not work out (pray that it does) but at least President Trump stuck his foot in the door to talks and hopefully results.

  3. She told one of the newspaper a couple of years ago that being in Congress was an easy job. Yeah, because she's done nothing good for America. She's just coasting. She really needs to be replaced.

  4. Lois is a poser. A party hack. She is feeble minded and usually unintelligible.

    If it weren't for name recognition, she'd be a turd in the dustbin of local politics.
