Thursday, June 21, 2018

The "Drive-by" Media


For years now, the folks in the media have often acted like circus clowns in their presentation of the news.

But now, one of the most respected voices in America is warning that someone will end up being killed as a direct result of the media's breathless hysteria.

Read about it... at WND.


  1. Limbaugh is right. America should just relax and let Trump do whatever he thinks is best for the country. And the news media should stop reporting about it. How dare they report the news! Shame on them!

    Dems must not have a long memory because they don't remember how Fox News and conservative media didn't report about anything bad that Obama was doing during the entire 8 years he was in office. Nothing! Do you remember anything controversial that Obama did? Of course you don't because it wasn't reported.

    Fox News was respectful and only told America about the good things that Obama accomplished. What's fair is fair. Stop reporting on the horrors of America today, media. Leave us alone to MAGA!

  2. Obama didn't do anything his entire term but make bad decisions.
    Anonymous, I think everyone can figure out your intent here.

  3. Can you imagine the insanity if Obama and Michelle's rent -A -kids had been assaulted like Fonda just did to our current first family???
