Tuesday, June 12, 2018


We sure have enough of them...just turn on CNN and MSNBC or check around this town. These people want to see this country fail. They find fault with every little thing--even this monumental meeting with Kim Jong un or supporting the Canadian snowflake over trade and tariff issues..


  1. You do realize that by whining about De Niro or moaning daily about how Trump is treated so badly that you're doing your best snowflake imitation?

    Of course you don't. Because that would take a smidge of introspection and self-awareness which you haven't had for the last 12 years.

  2. LOL--12 years? LOL. Yeah, just about right--Obama made me see the light. The one thing he did right.
    And all you snowflakes and self-professed misandrists really need to calm down.

  3. LOL, this is hilarious! So funny and so true. I am so tired of all these people who are always crying victim.

  4. Sorry 3:59 the normal left tactic"I know you are but what am I " is not going to work.When somebody slaps you in the face with a truth you don't like,all you can do is point fingers and name call. LOSER ! Get on the Trump Train-you can begin to feel like a WINNER!

  5. I can't wait until Trump announces that it's stupid to wear seatbelts, that smoking is cool and that jumping out of an airplane without a parachute shows your devotion to him.

    Maybe then America will be great again.

  6. You just proved your IQ, anonymous @ 9:23. Keep going. Ya'll are ruining it for your party. :)

  7. Michael Cohen is going to be indicted this week.

    Getting close to President POS.

  8. @2:06--don't know about that but when his legal fees are running around $100,000 a day, anyone would throw in the towel and cooperate. Mueller is evil and this entire team out to get Trump is as well.

    P.S. You are the POS. But I'm not telling a wise guy something he doesn't already know.

  9. Can't wait to see the IG report coming out today. More than likely it will be redacted, etc.
