Saturday, June 2, 2018

Sick Pedophile running for Congress


People, how bad does it have to get before you reject ALL Democrats?

"It used to be that if you had anything dark in your past or present, you would never even think of running for office.

But in today's upside-down world, anything goes, and you'll totally understand when you learn who paved the way for this pedophile who threatened to assassinate the president to run for Congress.

He Larson, a 37-year old accountant, acknowledged to the HuffPost that he is a pedophile who has bragged in website posts about raping his late ex-wife."

Read about the disgusting POS Democrat... These are the sick S.O.B.'s who want to lead our country.


  1. I recently changed my party to Independent although I do like Donald Trump.

  2. So the WND article that you linked to says he's an independent. The HuffPost article that the WND article links to says:

    "According to Larson’s campaign manifesto, his platform as a “quasi-neoreactionary libertarian” candidate includes protecting gun ownership rights, establishing free trade and protecting “benevolent white supremacy,” as well as legalizing incestuous marriage and child pornography."

    Last time I checked, libertarian was closer to conservative than it is liberal.

    You, on the other hand, brand him as a Democrat and then go even further to use him as an example of every other Democrat out there.

    You need to relax, Lynn, and start taking deep breaths before sitting down at your computer.

  3. Terry McAuliffe, former chair of the DNC, is the one promoting this guy. Democrats. I don't care if he calls himself an independent. He is a F-d up liberal supported by, guess who--Democrats.
    So, I would advise all of you to get ready...liberals (Democrats)are all going down.

  4. "Terry McAuliffe, former chair of the DNC, is the one promoting this guy."

    Well, no. That's not true. Again, the article that you link to says that McAuliffe pardoned felons which made it possible for this guy to run in the State of Virginia.

    It says zero about McAuliffe supporting him. Where did you get that info?

  5. He restored the rights of 156,221 Virginians, Lynn. Are you actually claiming here that he supports each and every one of these people and whatever they do?

    BTW, I'm not defending anyone. I'm pointing out that you're wrong.

    The fact that you just won't say that you made a mistake and continue down this road of strange conclusions is amazing.
