Monday, June 25, 2018

Shanon Materio answers Palm Beach Post editor

Shanon Materio, standing up for facts--

Point of View
Palm Beach Post
June 25, 2018

No comparison between Materio, Lambert campaigns

I strongly disagree with the two implied conclusions in Editorial Page Editor Rick Christie’s recent “Opinion Zone” blog post and column, “Christie: Follow the money in heated West Palm Beach commission race.”

First, I completely disagree that there is a comparison to be made between the alleged illegal activity of political consultant Rick Asnani and his Cornerstone employees, and the frivolous-in-nature complaints against my campaign, in which I mistakenly accepted a $50 contribution, which I discovered and self-disclosed; and a second complaint in which I supposedly sent out a Christmas card without the proper campaign disclosure.

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All contributors and the amount of their contributions to the Materio Campaign, as well as any political committees acting in support of Shanon Materio, are fully disclosed, public information, and properly filed.

This is absolutely not true for the entities formed to support the Christina Lambert Campaign.

The three entities in particular are not political committees regulated by the state of Florida and have been discovered to be nothing more than shell companies formed to hide who the contributors are and even worse, how much each contributor gave.

I am disappointed, although not surprised, that Commissioner Lambert has not responded to my request that she join me in demanding Asnani and Cornerstone reveal to the public who these shadow contributors really are.

I am even more disappointed, that The Post hasn’t seized on either the illegal activity aspect, or the lack of transparency and what it means in terms of the First Amendment.

The Post decries even the slightest perception of a governmental body’s lack of responsiveness to a public records request.

But when it comes to hundreds of thousands of dollars raised and spent with the specific purpose of hiding the money, you instead compare it to a $50 campaign violation.


Editor’s note: Materio is a former West Palm Beach City Commissioner for District 5.


  1. Did you say one time on this blog that her father was in jail for doing something corrupt or illegal or served time? This is sad to see and hear now all of this. I hope the right and good person won and is better serving the public now. Excuses be gone says Dr. Wayne Dyer!

  2. Sins of Her Father... LOL. What’s Jarred Kuchners daddy up too these days? LOL

  3. Shanon Materio was against the 25 story building they wanted to build on the waterway. I am sure developer money went against her. Her points in this ope ed piece are valid.

  4. Nothing good to say about this woman. Thank God she lost. She needs to go away.

  5. Honestly(or not so much) how did this woman stay in the stained glass business when people were struggling to find money for food in the last recession??Oh yeah, the Internet. RIGHT. And I'll sell you Lake Worth bridge for a small fee.This woman had "family" friends that were some of the most dishonest in Florida history . And that's saying something. Lay down with dogs and all that-I would never trust this whining POS or any of her "associates".

  6. Hey Lynn, as to your 11:03 comment-they probably didn't make Materio a good enough offer to vote for it!!!

  7. 11:24: struggling to find money for food? I think you are confusing the USA with Venezuela, McVoys favorite commie republic. Are you one of those 4-5 generation American renting a house in a shithole neighborhood always complaining about immigrants, wondering how they can afford a nice car? Yes, you are.


  9. And now her plan to build a town center in SENA has gone to heck, it looks horrible there where the old Ihop used to be, that part of South WPB looks bad and SM wanted to build that up, what will happen now? What a mess!

  10. Do we need a "town center" anywhere else in Palm Beach County? NO. But Materio's campaign contributors did. That's the problem. Palm Beach county politicians don't give a crap about us citizens. All they care about is raising funds for their re-election.What we do need is more green space and parks.Maybe a community aquatic park/pool?
