Saturday, June 16, 2018

Samantha Bee - The Feckless "Comedian"

I never heard of this woman until she attacked Ivanka Trump using the most vulgar word to describe any woman. I didn't even know what network she was affiliated with...never watched it. Why would I?  Since then I learned that she worked for the Daily Show for 12 years with Jon Stewart, another unfunny supposed "comedian." Jon Stewart was also a Trump hater. When Stewart left, she did not get his job.

She went out and hustled and got her own show at a different network and on May 30, 2018, she decided to run with the liberal line of the "appalling and disgusting" government policy of separating children from families of undocumented immigrants at the border. This is an Obama policy and Democrats have been holding up any immigration reform. What's never mentioned by the media is the ploy by illegals to use children to enter our country illegally.

She jumped right on that one like all liberals are now doing and viciously attacked Ivanka Trump for hypocrisy after Ivanka posted a beautiful photo of herself and her child, saying, "Let me just say, one mother to another, do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless cunt!"

At the time of her anti-president Trump statement and pathetic attempt to be funny,  she had 19 advertisers. 13 of them left her—leaving her with just six. And weeks later, not a single advertiser has returned.


  1. Trump supporters wore tee shirts to Trump rallies that said "Trump That C----" or "B-----" but since she's a Democrat, I guess it's okay.

    Spare me.

  2. Mother to mother it's the parents who are wrong for dragging their children to our border.

  3. 7:58am nothing makes what this comic said right. Don't defend it by using Hillary for example. So glad that power hungry crook lost.

  4. Advertisers should totally shun her.
    And to anonymous above at 7:58, you just can't let go of Hillary. haha how sad.

  5. 9:37 Hillary can't let go of Hillary. That moaning cow keeps shoving her udders in our faces every chance she gets. The Democrats probably wish she would just stop mooing about her embarrassing Presidential loss and go sit in a cave somewhere with Pedophile husband Bill.
    Samantha "C" is a jerk.When she dies they can put "She used the "C" word to cut down other women" on her forlorn tomb stone. That's her legacy.

  6. Ok 8:14 where were your croc tears for all of the AMERICAN children whose parents go to jail for committing crimes? Those families are separated also!All these illegal border criminals could care less for their children. They are being used as "get into America free" cards. To hell with their welfare. And these kids detained at the border get a better environment than the Crappy American foster system. Anybody illegally crossing our borders should get shot back into Mexico with a catapult. The kids will fly further because they are lighter!
