Thursday, June 21, 2018

Quote of the Day - Scott Maxwell

"I think that we need greater transparency for everything we do.  I mean, transparency, transparency, transparency. You can't use that word enough from this dais.

I'm being sarcastic."

~ Commissioner Scott Maxwell

His ending statement after the city attorney explained why they are not live streaming the meetings.


  1. The Live Streaming being an ADA issue is BS. There are apps any idiot can find and use to give a written transcript on live broadcasts.

    It could be all they have to do is notify on the screen of one or more of the apps.

  2. Scott serving 'word salads'...'toss them'!

  3. He sounds like a real dork!

  4. Maxwell was bored just being there. He couldn't wait for it all to end. Heaven forbid Omari asking a question. Their salary needs to be reduced.

  5. had a chace to get rid of these idiots but look at who votes in this town.very sad.scott doesn't even know the definition of transparency.he thinks it"s a big word that makes him look smart.leave the booze alone scot and do something for the city not for you

  6. I say we give them 100 bucks per meeting. Period. Nothing else. We might actually get some good people in office.Oh, and along with the the hundred bucks is a drug test. My guess is that only one Commissioner could pass it.

  7. I agree, in South Palm Beach the commissioners and mayor only get $300 a month for pay, that is it, no benefits, etc. andy, pam, and scott are abusing their power and raping the good citizens on the city. They make a salary of a middle class person working full time plus benefits, for two meetings a month. It is a sin what they did with that. Then they wonder why most of us have NO respect for them.
