Thursday, June 7, 2018

Quote of the Day - Rand Paul - Bill Clinton and Monica

"Bill Clinton epitomizes the aggressor, not the victim. He thinks  he's still somehow a victim and in no world was it ever appropriate for the president of the United States to be having sex under his desk with a 20 year-old."

~ Rand Paul

I agree--it was definitely not appropriate, an understatement. However, I think we all need to drop this subject. Monica Lewinsky was not a victim; she knew exactly what she was doing. She was 22 when it started and it was over a two year period. No one twisted her arm; no one coerced her; no one forced her. She was a willing participant.

"In January 1998, Linda Tripp discovered that Lewinsky had sworn an affidavit in the Paula Jones case, denying a relationship with Clinton." [Wikipedia]  At some point in time, everyone needs to be responsible for their own actions and that includes Lewinsky and Clinton. And the rest of us now need to move on.

1 comment:

  1. They weren't at the Motel 6 like ordinary cheaters. This was a disgrace to the Oval office and lies from our then president.
