Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Quote of the Day - Jeh Johnson

“Without a doubt the images, and the reality, from 2014, just like 2018, are not pretty. And so we expanded family detention. We had then 34,000 beds for family detention. Only 95 of 34,000 equipped to deal with families. And so we expanded it. I freely admit it was controversial. We believed it was necessary at the time. I still believe it is necessary to remain a certain capability for families.

We can’t have catch and release. And in my 3 years, we deported or repatriated or returned over a million people.

We did not want to go so far as to separate families, but unless we deal with the underlying causes that are motivating people in the first place we are going to continue to bang our heads against the wall on this issue.”

~ Obama’s DHS Secretary, Jeh Johnson


  1. Try showing this or telling some unhinged liberal dem this and they say it is not true, it is only President Trump that is doing this.

    The liberal dems have gone off their rockers, completely mad!

  2. Try to tell a liberal dem in the USA this! The reject it and say it is not true. It is all President Trumps fault. Crazy. The dems are just crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy!
