Tuesday, June 5, 2018

President Trump's accomplishments

After 500 days in office, here are President Trump’s accomplishments thus far. Historic! Unprecedented! MAGA to the max!

Read all of the President's accomplishments in the first 500 days.


  1. Most of the items listed are subjective. Others, such as the economy and jobs, were on the upswing when he took office. He did accomplish what seems to be his primary objective - reversing or ending Obama's policies and programs including those aimed at protecting our environment.

    He is the first president to receive condemnation from the United Nations for a human rights atrocity. Taking young children from their parents seeking asylum in this country. Not "illegals". Those legally seeking asylum.

    I know you're proud. I'm not, most of us are not. This will not be a pretty chapter in our history but we will survive. God bless you.

  2. Only subjective to Democrats. Let's give all of the credit to Obama. LOL

  3. The UN isn't relevant anymore if it ever was, corruption.
