Friday, June 22, 2018

Our Immigration System

As so many illegal aliens are receiving at least one government benefit (over 10 million of the estimated 22 million in our country), President Trump is strongly considering the Republican bill that will stop it.

According to the Migration Policy Institute – “In a just-released study of welfare use by U.S. born Americans, naturalized citizens and non-citizen aliens, the Migration Policy Institute found that of the 22 million non-citizens in the country, 10.3 million are on at least one welfare program."

The report said that 54.2 percent of children and teens up to age 17 receive at least one of four major public welfare benefits while its 46.3 percent for those aged 18-54 and 47.8 for older aliens. [RedRightTVVideo]

Read more... about what President Trump wants to do about it. The RAISE Act would have deep cuts to family-based immigration and the creation of a points system for the selection of immigrants coming via employer sponsorship.


  1. We need to take away the bait that draws illegal migrants to our country.E-verify,no public benefits.We need to kick Mexico's ass financially for allowing this crisis to sweep our borders. America is in a bad way financially speaking. Debt, crumbling inner cities (the legacy of decades of Democrat control),crumbling infra structure. America needs to take care of America. And to the minority lunatics that want open borders-go to a country that promotes that concept. Oh wait-NO COUNTRY DOES !!!!!!!

  2. Yeah,if you want to get rid of the ants,don't leave crumbs around the house.

  3. The liberals never will let it happen. How did we get to a place so bad? We should never have allowed anyone to let kids go to school here to undocumented children or give any benefits to them if here illegally, children or not, it is out of control now and all of us have lost complete respect for our elected. I think I will be an expat and move to another country and live better and safer than staying here. This country has gone to hell.
