Saturday, June 16, 2018

Message from Governor Rick Scott on Florida Job Creation

Yesterday morning, I was proud to announce that we have created nearly 20,000 jobs in Florida last month alone. That means that since December 2010, we have created over 1.5 million new Florida jobs.

New jobs don’t just represent a number for our state. They represent opportunities for families, new chances for workers, and more money in the pockets of Floridians.

It’s also proof that this type of change certainly isn’t coming from Washington. Florida has outpaced the nation in job growth 73 of the past 74 months. That’s because while we work together to move forward, career politicians in Washington cling to their old ways. While we have cut taxes and reduced burdensome regulations, Washington continuously makes it harder for businesses to thrive.

That’s why we must bring Florida’s success to the U.S. Senate. Our state has succeeded by prioritizing families and small businesses above special interests, and I will make sure Washington does too.

Last month, nearly 20,000 new jobs were created so Floridians can find the opportunities they need to provide for themselves and their families. Let’s make sure that continues.

Rick Scott

1 comment:

  1. I will vote for Scott for the Senate. Tired of Nelson, in too long and he does nothing. When you write to him or his office, nothing gets done. WE deserve someone better here in FL. Nelson has done a lot for FL as governor. The only problem he has not resolved is decent raises and pay for teachers. he sure has taken care of cops, fire fighters, and emtech, and others like this. Teachers need major raises, like doubled pay and better benefits.
