Sunday, June 17, 2018

Memory of Hillary Clinton

Ever since her book tour came to an end giving all the reasons why she lost the election, she has been fairly quiet, becoming nothing more than a bad memory.

As John McCain said, "The hardest thing to do is to just shut up." Bill Clinton didn't learn from this either on his book tour.


  1. Ha. Ha. I know you're just joking, Lynn. Friend sent this to me a while ago and told me it was fake.

    Snopes said so, too.

    Thanks for the laugh. I needed it.

  2. This is just not with Hillary or Bill, it is with a lot of people in power and control, they want it so badly. I see it with our condo president, micro-manages everything and has to control everything, never willing to problem solve or negotiate or come up with win win for all. The city leaders are like that too, they they take and take and push the fact that they are elected and in charge. Yet, they operate with no ethics and have no integrity at all. Respect isn't automatic, it must be earned even from all of them. I am so down on all these people who are control freaks and power hungry, they just DO NOT GET IT. It is not all about them! They were elected to serve and do it for others, to be fiduciaries and to do it all for others, not for their ego or power or control. Don't get me going!
