Sunday, June 24, 2018

Lake Worth Power Outage

"Maryann (Polizzi) Furth has lived in Lake Worth for 42 years. In that time, she’s run for city commission, served as the South Palm Park Association president, become a widow and, of course, suffered a few power outages.

'I get so annoyed when it happens', she said. I’m always trying to get more information on what’s going on with the city and get so aggravated.'"

Read the article... where many of our residents were quoted as well as Mayor Pam Triolo and Commissioner Omari Hardy.


  1. More money,more money. NO! The well is dry!

  2. we have lived here a lot longer than 42 years and have seen a lot of outages.people don't realize fpl has just as many going don't hear of them for they are so big.this looks more like a stunt for a comminisioner and city manager to get it looking so bad we will have to bring fpl in.dont put nothing past them

  3. I don't live in LW anymore. I have FPL, they are wonderful, much cheaper, nice bill with very good info. on all. We hardly ever lose power. With the last hurricane we only lost power for 24 hours. Our electric bill is only about $30 a month with them year round, $22 in winter without AC. With LW Utilities, we had to pay more than $65 even if we did not use the power and water and it was left on, but unused, if we do that with FPL, we pay only about $10 or less with no use but on. LW is horrible, never going back to OK.

  4. Sorry, but Lake Worth is mediocrity at its best.
