Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Lake Worth Audits

William J. Brown. Does anyone know who this man is? He works for the city but has anyone seen or heard from him? Has he ever given a report at a public meeting? Commissioners, he reports to you. You, in turn, report to us, or that's how it's supposed to work. Remember that tier?  The taxpayers are on the top of it.

Mr. Brown signed a contract on October 17, 2017 to be our Internal Auditor and his employment began on November 6. He's on a one year contract that is automatically renewable every year as long as he gets a satisfactory written performance evaluation. On or before January 15, 2019, he is up for a salary review which is now at $105,000 a year with all the generous and great perks of working for the city.

William J. Brown III employment contract

Right now the city is discussing and having workshops on the new budget that will begin on October 1, 2018, just 3.5 months from now. The city has not yet produced the external audit for the year ending September 30, 1917. That budget was produced under the former Finance Director, Marie Elianor, who is no longer with the city. The city is yet to find a replacement. We can't keep a finance director.  Why? How can the City know where its going if they don't know where they've been?  Finance is, without a doubt, one, if not the most important departments in this city.  It is the one responsible for your money.

The Commission and the City have studies that prove that the Electric Utility is unsustainable unless they raise rates. This rate parity idea, pushed by Maxwell and the Mayor with FPL was always political as no studies supported that idea. And commercial rates are still high. What is really going on at our electric Utility? Transparency has never been the city's strong point.

Some employees don't understand how the city can transfer so much of its electrical utility profit to the general fund and then continue to upgrade and simply maintain the asset. The city has always had a problem maintaining anything. Some employees are frustrated that they are not utilized well or that they are all not treated the same when it comes to raises.

The question remains, where is the External Audit for 2017?  Why is it taking so long? And where is the Internal Auditor, Mr. Brown? When will the public be informed?


  1. What we know is, the IA came from Riviera Beach where corruption is rampant.

  2. Mike Bornstein seems to have trouble with Finance Directors. No city has gone through that many finance directors in such a short period of time. The Internal auditor is supposed to check on the administration but that policy was screwed up when Maxwell decided that Nornstein should be the one to choose the internal auditor. So, Maxwell and Bornstein are in collusion. Collusion about what is what we need to know. No audit. Lack of Transparency. No numbers.

  3. when you see a business owner on tv say crime has risen since the sheriff took over and a sheriff rep goes to comm meeting saying crime is down why do we think any truth is going to come out on audit or anything else.also heard on 5 we wont need as many police on streets with new cameras.one guy will be someplace watching screens and if he sees a stolen car come into l.w. we will get them.how if no cops are on streets
