Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Katie Arrington of S.C. wins Republican Primary

She beat Rep. Mark Sanford thanks to the last minute tweet from president Trump: “Mark Sanford has been very unhelpful to me in my campaign to MAGA. He is MIA and nothing but trouble. He is better off in Argentina. I fully endorse Katie Arrington for Congress in SC, a state I love. She is tough on crime and will continue our fight to lower taxes. VOTE Katie!”

Sanford has been a long-time critic of President Trump. His opponent, Arrington, slammed him for being too moderate.

Time to drain the swamp in every respect.


  1. I Believe Anything Donald Tells MeJune 13, 2018 at 2:01 PM

    The tweet went out an hour or so before polls closed. But I guess one can believe that all those Republican voters were just waiting for Der Leader to speak before rushing out just before the wire.

  2. And Sanford didn't have any baggage to speak of....

  3. Why not? 2:01pm are we supposed to listen to some Hollywood freak show? Our president is right, Sanford is better off in Argentina.

  4. Great to hear this. She seems top-notch.
