Friday, June 22, 2018

It's a shame about John McCain

Of all the Never Trump RINOs in the Senate, McCain is the most vocal champion of open borders and amnesty.

Trump won the GOP nomination – and the Presidency – because voters were fed up with politicians like John McCain who said one thing on the campaign trail and then voted another way in Congress.

Read about John...


  1. He has brain cancer. Is he even in his right mind? He should have done the right thing and retired,but maybe he doesn't even know what the right thing is anymore. Is he just a prick like he's always been or is it the brain rot talking?

  2. John F. McCoy, USMC (Ret.)June 22, 2018 at 8:39 PM

    I think it's a shame what the Republican Party has done to Sen. McCain just because he doesn't walk lockstep with everything that they do. And it all started with Trump calling this American POW war hero a loser. Once others heard that it was okay to attack that way, they lowered themselves to Trump's level with their maliciousness. Even as he dies slowly of brain cancer, they're punching him and standing on his neck.

    But it's okay. He's used to dealing with people who don't respect the values of America. The pikers and the punks sitting at their computers don't faze a man of his stature. The haters can only dream of having his integrity and courage.

    Sen. John McCain is an American patriot whose legacy and tale of heroism will last much, much longer than the taunts of today's gutter dwellers.

  3. @8:39...As Charles Krauthammer said--" betray your whole life if you don't say what you think and if you don't say it honestly and bluntly.
    And taking that advice, instead, McCain played lousy politics. He should have been a Democrat then we all would have understood him.
